July 2024 Issue

Place An Ad In the Forum

Dayton's Bluff District Forum
668 Greenbrier St.
St. Paul, MN 55106

Would you like to contribute an article, an idea for an article or a photo?
Please contact our editor at daytonsbluffdistrictforum@gmail.com

The Dayton's Bluff District Forum is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation operating under the name of Hopewell Communications, Inc. The newspaper has been published in Dayton's Bluff since 1982 and is run by volunteers. The cost of printing, layout and mailing is paid for by advertisers and our generous supporters. 

Online archives of the paper go back to 2000 and are available and searchable under the Past Issues tab. The newspaper is published monthly in a paper edition that is mailed free to all addresses in Dayton's Bluff. If you live in Dayton's Bluff and have not been receiving a paper, please ask your letter carrier or contact Karin DuPaul at karindupaul@comcast.net or 651-776-0550.

Please consider making your own tax-deductible contribution to the Dayton's Bluff District Forum through giveMN.
giveMN logo 

Advertise in the Forum, published monthly except January. Mailed free to 7,000 addresses in Dayton's Bluff each month.

Advertising guidelines and price list​​

Business: Karin DuPaul, karindupaul@comcast.net
Editor/Layout: Allison Lund-Zalewski, daytonsbluffdistrictforum@gmail.com
Associate Editor: Mark Gallagher
Board of Directors: Steve Trimble, Karin DuPaul, Greg Cosimini, Sage Holben, Jennifer Gascoigne
Staff: Mandy Okonek, Clara Martin, Clare Howard

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